
Thoughtful Gift Ideas for a Loved One Who is Seriously Ill

Many of us know someone who is ill. He might be a loved one who has been battling an illness for months. She might be a friend you  visit regularly in a long-term care facility. And when birthdays and holidays come around, we want to celebrate those we love with gifts, but sometimes, deciding on a gift can be difficult, especially if our loved ones are bedbound, mostly confined to their homes, etc. We may discover that we  are more determined than ever to find the perfect gift for that loved one.

woman holding a gift in her hands

Credit: healthcentral.com

But since a loved one who is seriously ill may not be doing some of the things that he once enjoyed, it can sometimes be a difficult task to choose a thoughtful and meaningful gift for him. Even when we try to find a more practical gift, we can be challenged because we don’t want to give a gift to our loved ones that feels stark, cold or like we didn’t put much thought into it.

Because of this, we have put together a list of thoughtful and meaningful gifts you might choose to give to your special loved one. Feel free to comment with any ideas of gifts you’ve given to someone who is ill. Our community could benefit from your thoughts too!

Digital photo frames

Digital photo frames can be wonderful gifts for someone who is ill or for someone receiving hospice care, and that’s for a few reasons. First, a digital photo frame is a practical gift in that it serves a purpose: to bring joy to those who see it as it shows pictures of friends, family and experiences in a loop. Second, it is completely customizable. You can choose to upload photos to the frame before you gift it (if you have pictures that you feel would be meaningful to your loved one), or you can gift it to that loved one and assist them in uploading their own photos. Also, a digital photo frame doesn’t take up too much space, making it an ideal gift for those in smaller settings, such as patients in an assisted living facility or those who spend much of their time in one room in their own home.

digital photo frame

Credit: Amazon

Hot water bottle cover

Many older patients enjoy having a hot water bottle. It can be used to provide warmth, typically when a patient is lying in bed. Or it can be used to soothe aching joints or muscles. No matter how your loved one uses her hot water bottle, a custom hot water bottle cover makes a practical and thoughtful gift. You can find them online on sites like Etsy, Amazon and eBay.

hot water bottle cover

Credit: womansweekly.com

Scented Candles

Scented candles can be very thoughtful gifts as well, especially if the person to whom you’re gifting them likes candles. Perhaps ask your loved one about his or her favorite candle scent and try to purchase that scent. Candles can range in price from only a couple of dollars apiece to over $25 apiece, depending on where you purchase them. Candles can be found at retailers like Wal-Mart, Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, White Barn, Bath and Body Works and others.

scented candles

Credit: eBay

Essential oil diffuser

If your loved one likes essential oils, an essential oils diffuser can make a thoughtful gift. Simply fill the diffuser with water and essential oils. Once you turn on the diffuser, the room will be filled with the scent of essential oils. Any essential oils can be used in a diffuser. Or you can choose to combine two or more oils to create a unique scent. Customize the scent based on the oils you choose to use in the diffuser.

oil diffuser

Credit: Walmart


Warm blanket

A warm, soft blanket can be a very thoughtful gift. Choose a blanket made of the fabric you think best suits your loved one. You can also choose a color that you know your loved one likes best. Find them in local retailers such as Wal-Mart, Target, Macy’s, Bed Bath and Beyond and others.

warm blanket

Credit: Wayfair

No matter what you choose to give your loved one as a gift, the thought behind that gift is the most important thing. Keep your loved one on the forefront of your mind when you are looking for a gift, and you’re sure to pick the right thing.

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